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Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 5:30 PM |
Schedule: | Every Tuesday |
Place: | 1641 Alder St, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Cascadia Forest Defenders are offering free climb trainings for those interested in getting involved with environmental direct action! Join us and... see more
Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 6:30 PM |
Schedule: | Every 2 weeks on Sunday |
Place: | 1325 Jefferson St, Eugene, OR 97402, USA |
We do traditional dances from around the world along with newly choreographed dances to a variety of world music. ... see more
Time: | 7:00 PM |
Schedule: | Every month on the first and third Sunday |
Place: | 1325 Jefferson St, Eugene, OR 97402, USA |
We do traditional dances from around the world along with newly choreographed dances to a variety of world music. Dances range from slow and meditativ... see more
If you have an extra ticket to an event, please consider me. I'm on a fixed income so I don't often go out (unless I volunteer or get a free ticket. ) Thanks!
Looking for a small, simple, functioning toaster for my dad so he can toast bread safely.
I save my kitchen scraps (onion skins, celery and carrots mostly) and then make stock. I already have more than we can use so would be happy to share it. I have about a gallon and a half frozen it in plastic (yogurt) containers.
red white trim- fold patio lounge chair
Hi. My friends are looking to rehome a chicken they have who is going blind. They feel she needs a much smaller area to have to navigate than their chicken area and with a smaller flock- they are thinking 4 or less. They think she would be good as a ... see more
I find myself needing a blood pressure cuff. Anyone have one they dont need anymore you dont mind passing on?
Auburn color - very high quality henna! Works amazingly well, with permanent coverage. You can find the directions for application on the Ancient Sunrise website. It’s already mixed and ready to go. It’s been stored in the freezer. I have used it on ... see more
I have a recipe to make a fermented mayonnaise which requires 2 TBSP of fermented brine, such as the whey off yogurt or brine from fermented veggies such as sauerkraut, etc. It is supposed to last for well over a month refrigerated instead of the us... see more
When the air quality stays in the Moderate range I'm stuck inside for hours or days, waiting for the air quality to get back into the Good range so I can take a walk again. The lack of exercise is adversely affecting me both physically and emotionall... see more
I want to visit my daughter, but Flix bus no longer goes to Ashland!
I'd like a ride from Eugene to Ashland (or Medford/Ashland).
A round trip is preferred, but if that's not possible, a one-way could also work.
Or potentially a trip to Klamath ... see more
Are you a person who cares about your community and your world?
Who is willing to gift a portion of your time and talents to keep the gift economy alive and well for the future?
CommonGoods Network, the Non-Profit home of is seekin... see more
I would love to start making kefir, if you have extra grains to give
I've been volunteering at FFLC GrassRoots Garden for over 13 years. It is one of the happiest and most peaceful places I know in Eugene, & I want to share it w/ folks! Their 3-part mission: 1) feed as many people as possible (all kinds of people, all... see more
Charles Dyer joined Kindista
My 12-yo daughter recently enjoyed a day trip to the snow with friends, and I'd love to bring a sled with us next time. If anyone has a sled (however simple) to lend or give us, that would be great, thanks!
My tree is leaning badly because the trunk is too small and the screws don't hold it up. Have one or have you seen any left in a store?
For about 33 years now, I have been collecting picture books about girls and young women in especially courageous, intelligent or creative roles. I have copies of over 80 books now, which I keep in a special place at home and re-read for comfort and ... see more
Hello, I’m interested in both men’s and women’s clothing. I’m looking for casual, athletic, and professional clothing. Our usual sizes are womens S/M and mens S/M/L. What doesn’t work for us, I plan to pass on to shelters around town.
Thanks for r... see more
On my website is a list of area venues for meetings and other occasions. Free download. Edits & additions appreciated. See's_Venue_List.xls
I have never had the chance to take the training and become a Master Recycler, but I've been hearing that I'm more knowledgeable than most. I can create some order out of your chaos, and give you a mini-tutorial so that you can do this yourself. If y... see more
I am in need of healing touch. I have an old Fire Fighter body that is out of shape and in need of help keeping it healthy and well. I have been active most of my life and I want to get back in shape to hike again. If you want to work with me to get ... see more
You don't have to be a professional. Any kind of massage (non-sexual, of course) would be so appreciated. I think getting therapeutic touch on my aching muscles will do me a world of good, regardless of technique. Thanks!
Perhaps some of you have artichokes growing in your yard and they are in need of
"splitting"????? Thanks!
People tend to think that astrology is about predictions. It is not. Being happy: that is what astrology is really about. Astrology helps us understand who we are, why we are here, and what we are currently going through...including how long what ... see more
Sweet babies in Junction City. Mom is a good hunter, and they have been well socialized with kids. Born end of October. Litter box trained. Two others have already been re-homed on farm and are great hunters. Eat meat and kibble. Text Charles 870.30... see more
seeking large - medium clean carpet and carpet scraps/cut offs to insulate and warm up a community wellness room, thank you!
it would also greatly benefit from wool blankets and another oil heater. is an amazing free download site for prolific readers. The selection of books is extensive. I’m extremely grateful for its existence and wanted to share it with others.
Many blessings.
I need help canvassing door to door to organize a group of tenants on North Eugene whose homes are being threatened. There are 25 homes to contact. I would be happy to share details with people interested in helping. These tenants include handicapped... see more
Lisa Ponder expressed gratitude for Karen Januszewski
Thank you, Karen. The calendar will work quite well for the homebound person I'm giving it to. She really loves dogs! Yes, I picked up the lightbulbs too. Thank you.
I didn't knock because I didn't want to disturb you. Thank you for the offer of the other items... many tempted me and were beautiful. As I am downsizing, I had to pass them by, alas.
Thank you for working out this gifting. - Lisa
***January Update*** now even more time-sensitive!***
I've made huge progress and want to keep the momentum. Over the next many months, I'd love someone with a calm, non-judgmental presence to sit with me (virtually!) while I unpack and make dec... see more
Would love a bit of many plants.....Any time of year, any plant. I also have borage, rosemary, Asian lilies purple asters and orange Cosmos and gladiolus to share with you.
, other cute plants that I don't know the names of to share if you want ... see more
Needing organic beets and carrots, when ever someone is able to spare them
We buy the amount we can afford with our food stamps but it would be great to be able to juice more often, my friend has leukemia and beet/carrot juice is helpful to her
Looking for help with my yard. If you don't have one and want a place to play, I have lots of need and little help.
I would like to co create community space and Natural Spiritual connection around my home.
I'm trying to make a repurposed fountain to go with a friend's memorial at fair next year. I'm thinking a birdbath or an old simple circle grill to modify to use as the basin would be perfect. Thought I would ask here!
Please see photos for the attachment itself (and the model of electric lawnmower it attaches to). Note that only the attachment is available. Thank you.
Thomas Price expressed gratitude for Rebecca Wolle
Thanks for sharing your ladder with me.
if anyone has any rso extras to be turned into rso, it would be greatly appreciated for healing
Bookshelves or small or tall is just fine, plastic totes for storage (: