Submissions can be made by emailing
Greetings Kindista community,
I’m finding myself questioning whether it makes sense for me to keep Kindista going. We need help. I’m asking you, the Kindista community, to step up and make sure Kindista continues to be a resource to support sharing and community in Eugene and beyond.
The purpose of Kindista is to enable and inspire stronger communities of interdependence, and to further CommonGoods Network’s mission:
I recently moved and am finding that I have a ton of stuff that I haven’t used since the last time I moved… six years ago. I don’t want to go through life with a mountain of stuff that I never use. Who’s with me? It’s that time of year, let’s do this!
Spring cleaning on Kindista!!!
How many of us have tools, clothes, equipment, electronics, musical instruments and sports gear in our closets and attics that we never use? Let’s share all that stuff and make each other’s lives a little easier (and less expensive), and lighten our loads in the process.
Jeannie S replied:
It would not allow me to contact you because I have had nothing to offer as yet. I am brand new to Kindista. But I am very interested in a "revolution of kindness".
I will be going through my closets (Spring cleaning) and will have lots to offer in the coming weeks.
Will you be posting more ideas, roles, etc on the FB page? That would be a good way to share the revolution of kindness also.
Jeannie S
There are some big shifts happening with Kindista right now and we need your energy, love, and help to make the transition. I have felt for a long time that it has not been in Kindista’s best interest to have so much of the responsibility of its development, maintenance, and leadership in my hands alone. Instead of reaching out, I’ve worked myself harder, let myself get burned out, and procrastinated in writing this blog post. I deeply desire to see Kindista soar to new heights and the truth is that it needs a larger core team to do so.
We live in a world of paradox. Vast abundance exists alongside extreme poverty. Kindista embodies the possibilities of deep trust and ease for our lives, our community and for the world. And with your help, Kindista can be the real possibility of shared prosperity and opportunity for all.
We are building a Leadership Team of caring, passionate, and dedicated human beings to take Kindista to the next level.
Marv Lyons replied:
Hey Benjamin,
Perhaps I can help.
I can identify with your history and experience.
I've been working solo on a mega project, within a nonprofit structure.
I'm calling my constituents GAIANistas.... (Humans concerned for the future of humans within our small living planet)
Website is: Wiki is:
I can certainly put a page up in our wiki.. Send me copy that you wish (+ photos) or yu can post it yourself..
Marv Lyons. CVO EarthTHRIVE Initiative
Melonie Page replied:
This was very beautiful to read. I'd like to thank you for what you've done & what you're doing. I am new on here & still learning to navigate on here & I have nothing to offer, but maybe love, respect, and knowledge I have in the health & wellness field upon request, as my little girl & I are coming from a broken down car with no furniture even. I wish I had more to give, but before I got in the situation I was in, I had actually donated all my stuff, so I can live a simple lifestyle, but now having custody of my niece no longer permits me to do so. Thank you once again. May you have a bright, beautiful, & blessed day Benjamin.
Greetings Kindistas!
I am excited to announce a new monthly in-person sharing event in Eugene. The WOW Wellness Collective is hosting a community wellness gathering on the first Sunday of each month (we will likely take the Summer off, stay tuned).
Activities planned for March:
Kindista members have been asking for Facebook integration since we launched the beta version of Kindista back in 2012. After many months of development, we are thrilled share it with you.
With Facebook for Kindista, you can now share your Kindista Offers, Requests, and Gratitude with your Facebook friends. If you use Facebook, we invite you to activate Facebook for Kindista now!
Why did we build a Facebook integration for Kindista? We want a world in which sharing our abundance is a reliable way of getting our needs met. For that to happen, it needs to be more visible and commonplace in our daily lives.
Tara Jones replied:
Thanks so very very much for all the work you did to get this up and running Benjamin.
We're pleased to announce that you can now receive Chrome push notifications for Android devices and computers running the Chrome web browser. This means that you can be notified immediately when someone replies to your offers or requests, or sends you a message.
To enable push notifications, go to your [settings page](] using a Chrome browser. If you want to enable push notifications on both your Android phone and computer, you will need to visit the Kindista settings page from both devices.
Unfortuntately Apple has not yet added push notification support for Safari. We hope to enable push notifications for iPhones as soon as they do.
Greetings Kindistas! I’m excited to introduce myself as Kindista’s newly appointed Volunteer Coordinator.
Over the past three years, a small team of development volunteers has invested thousands of hours of their lives to tirelessly building new functionality and creating a smoother Kindista user experience. Until recently, we had yet to rally the volunteer support needed to properly introduce Kindista to the world. And more importantly, we haven’t thrown any big parties!
As Kindista’s new Volunteer Coordinator, I’m here to change that. I’m helping organize our highly anticipated and long-overdue launch party! It will coincide with the upcoming holiday season of gratitude and generosity and we’re inviting you to join the celebration, wherever you are.
Esteban Rios replied:
Hi Robert,
I'm the Volunteer Coordinator for the event and I'd love to work with you to get plugged in. From your reputation page I see you've already plugged into helping others in Eugene. So grateful for you! Email me at and we'll link up :)
I had high expectations for myself when I launched this blog. Turns out, life is really busy. There are a ton of improvements I still want to make to Kindista (some of which I'm in the middle of right now). And when it comes down to choosing whether to direct my energy towards promoting Kindista or improving it, I usually find myself choosing to work on the later. There is only so much I can do as an individual. I have faith that you, the Kindista community will do what it takes to help our network grow.
That said, I recently gave a talk at Oregon Country Fair about my work around gift economy. I covered a lot of ground including local currencies, resource sharing as a path to peace, developing trust through reputation and gratitude, bringing greater consciousness to money, overcoming separation, and the future of work in a highly automated society. I feel a little bit self conscious about the moments where I lacked articulateness, but overall I am happy with the message I presented. It's probably the most comprehensive expression of my vision around gift economy that I have presented so far. I hope you find it inspiring.
Melanie Carlone replied:
Dear friend - your talk was so inspiring and the community you help enrich is changed in ways you cannot measure. THANK YOU
Carolina Allen replied:
Than you Benjamin for all your devotion, hard work and vision. You are a true inspiration in my life.
Blessings and may the great work that you have done thus far continue to ripple through our society in ever expanding circles.
Our reality is constantly being shaped by the stories we tell each other. This process was going on early in our childhood, before we had developed conscious discernment and the ability to choose for ourselves what to believe.
Most of us were taught that we live in a world of environmental and geopolitical conflict. We were taught that we have to "compete" to succeed in the world, and that our success could be measured with money. And to this day, this worldview continues to be reinforced by advertising, mainstream media, our government, and too often even in our conversations with each other.
But we are at a turning point in history. Mainstream media is dwindling. We now create and promote the majority of the media we consume. I believe that if we change the stories we tell each other, we will change the world. I'm not suggesting that we turn our back on the suffering in the world, mindful compassion is needed now more than ever. But let us focus on what we are doing to address that suffering. Let our stories reinforce the worldview that deep down, we really care about each other, and our planet.
Ebony Lee Lombardi replied:
Beautiful! Thank You for Kindista! This is totally Awesome!!! This is what our world needs. We must know we are all interconnected. Ubuntu:I am because we all are. I LOVE you All!!!!! Peace
Introducing the Kindista Blog
I am very excited to announce the launch of the new Kindista Blog.
This blog is a place to share stories of kindness and appreciation, of community and connection. And it is a place to document a developing cultural paradigm shift - from fear and separation, to love and wholeness.
28 months ago
Benjamin Crandall replied:
You are probably not seeing any other offers because your search radius is set too small. There is a distance selector at the top of the offers page in the main activity page. If you set the distance to "everywhere" you will see everything on the site. If you are not seeing things near you, please help recruit more of your neighbors to get involved.
28 months ago
Trudy Cooper replied:
Maybe I just don't know how to use Kindista? I can't find any "offers" here, other than the one I just posted. I still get email reminders to use Kindista, and today, I posted a sofa that I have to offer. Are there simply no posts here of either offers or requests, or am I just not finding them? I also am utterly unable to link to Facebook when following the instructions. I don't see a "contact us" button. I really don't know how to proceed. Your advice??
34 months ago
Joanna Brook replied:
Hi Benjamin - after meeting and sharing with current board member Thomas Price, I am happy to accept his invitation to share my leadership skills and talents on the Kindista board. I look forward to hearing from you. With gratitude for the opportunity - Joanna
72 months ago
Alegria Alegria replied:
You are so greatly appreciated Benjamin for all you do. Kindista has been wonderful for me. I have given and received tangible items, food, and made lasting friendships. I want to see and witness local support here in Eugene. I hope we hear from others who want to keep Kindista going and growing and sharing in our precious community. Love, Alegria