Eugene, OR, US
Judy S-B expressed gratitude for Neighborhood Anarchist Collective
Hi Sara (aka Neighborhood Anarchist Collective),
Thanks so much for your help this afternoon with getting my laundry over to my friend's house, and my food and toiletry donation to First Place Family Center.
Also, thanks for driving me to GrassRoots Garden in time for lunch!
I appreciated hearing about the volunteer opportunity with Burrito Brigade, and will probably join you there some Sunday, soon. Thanks for getting out there in the community and making a difference.
Neighborhood Anarchist Collective expressed gratitude for jeremy spafford
Hey friend! The stadium chair you gave me is so perfect for my work/life! I sit and rock comfortably to the sound of babbling water and the sight of vibrant fishies as I clack away at my computer. Thank you for helping expand my office space!
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Eamon Walker
Thanks for the help debugging Kindista today!
Celia Hervas expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for sharing this with me and spend time answering my questions. You inspired me and I see a little bit more of light even if the darkness and pollution still there.
Thank you for having a good heart and for wanting to help people.
Un abrazo , mucha paz y amor chico
Heather S expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thank you very much for meeting with me and sharing some ideas about networking and community building. I appreciate the information about the Lane County Resilience Summit; I did sign up and am looking forward to it.
Thanks again,
Eve King-Lehman expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you, Skye, for calling me so soon after signing up for Kindista, and getting me started navigating the website.
Anna Love expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thank you Thomas for our tea time today! Great advice and good company!
Anna Love expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thank you Thomas for our tea time today! Great advice and good company!
Careta Mae expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Greetings. Thank you for following through with aiding my housemate and offering multi healing sessions.
Muhiyidin D expressed gratitude for The Kindista Team
Y'all are great! I have traveled from Eugene 3 yrs ago and have planted myself in Charleston SC on the other side of the country and am so grateful for the thoughtfulness you have put into making sharing on Kindista possible trans-locally and locally. Charleston SC is coming online!
Milosz Trudnos expressed gratitude for The Kindista Team
Thank you for this network!
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Arian Leffingwell
Thanks for your help today testing and debugging the new Facebook integration! I'm looking forward to seeing Kindista activity on my Facebook feed!
Alegria Alegria expressed gratitude for jeremy spafford
Expressing Gratitude for Jeremy Stafford who answered my Request to help me with matting my original drawings if I need help in the future. I'm so grateful for Kindista and Lovely Compassionate and Generous People in Community.
Careta Mae expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane
Glorious! thank you for the focus, and simplicity while recording.
Jeffree Coon expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
I meet Skye almost 2 months ago and feel blessed and grateful to have such a unique and beautiful soul in my life. He has become a fast friend and someone I care greatly for. He makes me see life in a more gracious way and to find the good in everything. Skye inspires me to be a better person and do more with my life and share all that I have to offer to the world. Thank you Skye, for being a friend and look forward to learning more from you and sharing myself with you as well. Peace and Love
Hannah Torres expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Skye, thank you so very very much for taking time to help me with my Physics class. I understand so much better now, you're great! I got A's on my tests, and couldn't have done it without you. ~ Xitlali
Amber Jones expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for gifting the charger to us. It reinforced the ease of abundance natural to Terra in a way i really appreciate. She practiced gratitude for that today. And thanks for your PSA at the end of dance today, though that's separate and entirely unrelated. I only heard second hand.
carly young expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thanks Skye for your dedication and passion!
Alexander DiGrazia expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for the great conversation and connection today, Skye! I look forward to getting to know you and working together.