Eugene, OR, US
Chris Roth joined Kindista
Joy Sisto expressed gratitude for Audrey Schwartz
Thank you for the wonderful company and conversation, last night, and the enjoyment of two wonderfully affectionate kittens! I look forward to tea time with you soon! :)
Joy Sisto expressed gratitude for Audrey Schwartz
Thank you so much for the invitation to share a meal with you! It was such pleasure to cook a healthy paleo meal to meet your personal dietary needs, as well as mine. The company made it even more of a treasured blessing! :)
Eamon Walker expressed gratitude for Meghan Quinn
Meghan supported me with reiki and craniosacral therapy during a period of major transition in my life; I will always be grateful for that! More recently she trained me as a Reiki Master Teacher too. I feel very fortunate to have such a fantastic healer so dedicated to growth and learning in my community, and to call her a friend!
John Krauser expressed gratitude for Meghan Quinn
Thank you for the incredible massage in your beautiful studio! You are a talented therapist! :)
Lareina Rose joined Kindista
Russ Dregne joined Kindista
Alice Stroud joined Kindista
Ilana Jakubowski joined Kindista
David L Klausman joined Kindista
Tara Jones expressed gratitude for Osprey Huffsmith
My gratitude is not only for Melissa, for the Shamanic journey/healing she shared with me, but also for this sharing community, that I had the opportunity to connect with Melissa at all. We spent the whole afternoon together. First the shamanic work. Then dinner together. Then the gift circle at Tugman park. All wonderful gifts!
Pablo (Paul) Howard expressed gratitude for Amanda Krichbaum
Kim, thanks for your user-friendly help navigating Kindista.
Denise Christine expressed gratitude for Pablo (Paul) Howard
Thanks, Pablo, for the plastic water barrels! I hope, at last, they have found their "project" home!
Thomas Price expressed gratitude for Larry Kaplowitz
Thank you for listening to me and helping me hear what I needed to hear. I hope to meet again for more mentoring and receive more of your help growing my business.
Sati Kielas was acknowledged by Eamon Walker
One Vanilla Malted Milkshake
Sati Kielas was acknowledged by The Kindista Team
Thoroughly enjoyable user interface testing
Meghan Quinn was acknowledged by Sati Kielas
Awesome carpool ride to a healing event. Thank you, love!
Eamon Walker was acknowledged by Sati Kielas
An incredibly beautiful, inspiring, and perfect set of music for my birthday dance party. Thank you Eamon!
Lisa Ponder was acknowledged by Sati Kielas
An unused bright green exercise ball with its box and pump.
Sati Kielas was acknowledged by Lisa Ponder
beautiful jar of homemade blackberry jam!