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11 months ago

Judy S-B expressed gratitude for DonStClair

Thank you, Don, for your advice. Even though you missed my message and responded months after I no longer needed help with this, I wanted to express my gratitude to you for your message. Reading your words made me feel supported. It was in fact "routine". I did get phone help from someone at White Bird, back in September, and sent off the form in a timely way. A month later I got a response from the SSA office in PA that no further action was needed. So it was a success! Warmly, Judy
*****p.s. Now that I'm pondering it, I think I remember that you did communicate with me briefly back last August or September, to say that you were too busy to help me but that I should try White Bird? If that memory is correct, you did help me in a timely way after all. Blessings, Judy