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55 months ago

Kevin E. expressed gratitude for Sumitra Daragon

Sumitra, thank you for the beautiful ceramic tea pot and cups for gongfu cha. I've enjoyed the samples you provide when I order from you at Panther Moon Tea. I so look forward to seeing you and enjoying the wonderful material for gongfu cha. Blessings on your day! :-)

The Way of Tea

A friend presented me
With tender leaves of Oolong tea,
For which I chose a kettle
Of ivory-mounted gold,
A mixing-bowl of snow-white earth.
With its clear bright froth and fragrance,
It was like the nectar of Immortals.
The first bowl washed the cobwebs from my mind -
The whole world seemed to sparkle.
A second cleansed my spirit
Like purifying showers of rain,
A third and I was one of the Immortals -
What need now for austerities
To purge our human sorrows?
Worldly people, by going in for wine,
Sadly deceive themselves.
For now I know the Way of Tea is real.

Chio Jen (Tang Dynasty)