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84 months ago

Jason K Cummings expressed gratitude for Margot Rawlinson

I have been battling a tough case of Tinnitus (ringing in ears), memory loss from a medical procedure I've been undergoing for a severe case of depression I've been going through for nearly 2 years. I'm happy to say that the medical procedure has broke the deepest parts of the depression, but I'm still left with memory issues and a constant ringing in ears from a medication that I took early on in my battle with depression.

A close family friend recommended me I look into getting Reiki work done to help with the Tinnitus.

There was a reiki master in Eugene I was referred to, called her and had not heard back from her for several hours (which I knew she might have been in session), but I was anxious to get in to see someone soon. So I went on YELP and found Margot. I called her, she picked up and was very pleasant to talk to over the phone. She said she offered a 30 minute free session to show first time clients how she operates and just to give them a feel for her work. I took her up on that offer and set an appt for the next day.

The next day (which was a Tuesday) we met. Spent the first 20 minutes just talking about my battle with depression, my struggle with tinnitus. She was very easy to talk to and she was an excellent listener. Also, during that time she had recommended me different types of supplements and tinctures for some of the things I was dealing with. So between 20-30 minutes in I got on her massage table and she started doing her Reiki work.

What was amazing was she spent much longer than the 30 minutes she told me she'd offer for free. One thing I forgot to mention was there was a hazy feeling in the left side of my head when I first started the session and by the time we were done, my mind and that left side felt very clear. I felt refreshed, more calm and relaxed after the session.

I would recommend Margot to anyone who is dealing with different physical, mental and emotional difficulties. She is a very peaceful and loving human being and Eugene is lucky to have her as a Reiki Master in the community.

I am definitely going back for a regular session!!

Kind Regards to everyone! Much Love,