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140 months ago

Mari Mizobe Chu expressed gratitude for Sara Clark

I moved from Eugene, OR to Vancouver, BC three years ago and have since found it difficult to be in a "big city" where I think people have lost their connection to trust and human community. I've been integrating giftivism into my own businesses (and life in general) but I sometimes feel discouraged and alone in my efforts to change "the way things are". Sara, you told me about Kindista literally at the exact moment in my life when I needed to hear about it! Just when I was feeling down about a particular act of generosity that I did that didn't quite go as I had hoped, just as I was trying to let go of my disappointment, just as I was wondering if this isn't going to work after all... I got a message from you about this Kindista community! It totally made my day to know that there is a community out there somewhere that's engaging in a gift economy and making it work! Thank you so much, Sara. It might not have felt like a big step on your part, but letting me know about Kindista was such a gift to me.