Submissions can be made by emailing
Greetings Kindista community,
I’m finding myself questioning whether it makes sense for me to keep Kindista going. We need help. I’m asking you, the Kindista community, to step up and make sure Kindista continues to be a resource to support sharing and community in Eugene and beyond.
The purpose of Kindista is to enable and inspire stronger communities of interdependence, and to further CommonGoods Network’s mission:
”To foster networks of trust and facilitate the sharing of knowledge, abilities, and physical resources; to transform communities and engender a sustainable and harmonious world.”
When met with abundant support, individual and collective efforts towards giving can flourish with a sense of ease and joy. But I can’t do this on my own anymore.
This is a make-or-break time for Kindista. We will not have the personnel to continue beyond this year unless members of the community bring new energy and dedication to the organization.
I am proud of the impact Kindista has had in Eugene. It has facilitated the sharing of thousands of gifts since Nicholas Walker and I created it back in 2012-13, and people continue to use it every day.
Many of our world’s most pressing problems could be solved if we all learned how to share better. We currently have three times as many vacant homes in the U.S. as there are homeless people. And globally we throw away more than twice as much food as it would take to feed all of the world’s hungry. And of course, our impact on the Earth would be significantly less if we consumed and manufactured less by sharing more.
However I have to be honest with myself, the growth of Kindista’s usership hasn’t yet lived up to my dreams. I hoped it would spread into a global movement and enable a cultural shift towards sharing, kindness, and connection. Kindista has needed a solid team to make that happen. And though I devoted extraordinary effort to build such a team, I have thus far been unsuccessful.
And so today, after seven years, Kindista remains a niche sharing network in Eugene.
I’m willing to keep the site going as long as we have an active user base, a supportive board and executive director, enough money in the bank, and as long as maintaining the site doesn’t take an unsustainable amount of my energy. But without the support we need, Kindista may shut down at the end of the year.
If you want to seek Kindista continue, please consider joining our team. Our most basic needs in order for us to keep Kindista going are at least three additional Board Members and a new Executive Director for our non-profit, CommonGoods Network.
What’s your mission? Might CommonGoods Network be an organization you’d like to help shape?
In addition to Kindista, here are some of the projects CommonGoods Network has been working on over the past year:
I really want to see Kindista thrive. And for that to happen we need your help in filling the following volunteer roles:
If you don’t have time to get involved but you want Kindista to continue, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. Smaller contributions will help pay for our server fees. Larger contributions will help us incentivize our volunteer roles.
With your help we can take Kindista to the next level and grow the culture of connection, sharing, and kindness.
In gratitude, Benjamin
28 months ago
Benjamin Crandall replied:
You are probably not seeing any other offers because your search radius is set too small. There is a distance selector at the top of the offers page in the main activity page. If you set the distance to "everywhere" you will see everything on the site. If you are not seeing things near you, please help recruit more of your neighbors to get involved.
28 months ago
Trudy Cooper replied:
Maybe I just don't know how to use Kindista? I can't find any "offers" here, other than the one I just posted. I still get email reminders to use Kindista, and today, I posted a sofa that I have to offer. Are there simply no posts here of either offers or requests, or am I just not finding them? I also am utterly unable to link to Facebook when following the instructions. I don't see a "contact us" button. I really don't know how to proceed. Your advice??
34 months ago
Joanna Brook replied:
Hi Benjamin - after meeting and sharing with current board member Thomas Price, I am happy to accept his invitation to share my leadership skills and talents on the Kindista board. I look forward to hearing from you. With gratitude for the opportunity - Joanna
72 months ago
Alegria Alegria replied:
You are so greatly appreciated Benjamin for all you do. Kindista has been wonderful for me. I have given and received tangible items, food, and made lasting friendships. I want to see and witness local support here in Eugene. I hope we hear from others who want to keep Kindista going and growing and sharing in our precious community. Love, Alegria