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Eugene, OR, US

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    73 months ago

    Rebekah Albert expressed gratitude for Belle Burch

    Thanks for sharing! Yummy! I am Grateful for good food!

    56 months ago

    Susan Detroy expressed gratitude for Katherine Sloan

    Thank you so much for the food
    and for bringing it to me.
    Much appreciated.

    49 months ago

    Katherine Sloan expressed gratitude for sat nam s khalsa

    Thank you so much for the rich blessings for the new community garden!! Also for being willing to bring to my home so I could transport it out!!

    82 months ago

    Jehoseph Divine expressed gratitude for Belle Burch

    Belle is absolutely a kind soul who is passionate about building community. I hope to see her endeavors, and connections excel / succeed more than ever this year!

    She has a heart for the Earth, and gardening quite a lot. Her kombucha, and tinctures have a lot of heart & wisdom put into them. 💜

    50 months ago

    Jan Wulling expressed gratitude for Amanda Krichbaum

    I appreciate Amanda's cogent writing, like letters to the RG editor!

    55 months ago

    Katherine Sloan expressed gratitude for Riky Melloe

    Wonderful organic produce!! The potatoes were my request and eggplants were added in for a delightful touch :) Many thanks to you and your family!!

    55 months ago

    Katherine Sloan expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall

    Thank you for the young beautiful starts and for caring for them so well. They will be a beautiful start where they will grow :) Your generosity is much appreciated!!

    54 months ago

    Katherine Sloan expressed gratitude for marie c

    Thanks so much for the small jars!! And for the effortless pickup :) Your generosity will cause much less waste!! And happy tummies :)

    89 months ago

    Thomas Price expressed gratitude for Christine S Dribin

    Thank you for your great gift. I am already feeling better.I am looking forward to the next treatment and getting to visit with you more.
    Thanks for the information about too!

    89 months ago

    Christine S Dribin expressed gratitude for Amanda Krichbaum

    I am so glad you have reached out to our group and are willing to become an active participant in ushering in a Free Economy! It has been such a pleasure to get to know you, and I am greatly looking forward to helping you develop your permaculture garden at your home! Blessings!

    66 months ago

    Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Judy S-B

    Thanks for the info about Grassroots Garden, Judy!! Very helpful.

    136 months ago

    Amanda Krichbaum expressed gratitude for Robert Stopa

    Robert fixed the fan on my radiator, and helped me diagnose exactly what is wrong with my cooling system. Robert gives of his time freely, and is a true hero of the gift economy. Give to him when you can.

    73 months ago

    Pamela Pollock expressed gratitude for Belle Burch

    Thank you so much Belle! I appreciate sharing in your bounty. You are most kind!

    73 months ago

    Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Thomas Price

    Thank you so much for the bookshelf, as well as the transportation assistance! Now I finally have a place to put/organize my herbal apothecary. This has been needed for a while. Much appreciated!

    65 months ago

    Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Rachel McDaid

    Thanks so much for the coffee grinder Rachel!! And the great communication.

    137 months ago

    Shaun Haskins expressed gratitude for Amanda Krichbaum, Kavana Tree Bressen, Benjamin Crandall, and Robert Stopa

    I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the passion and enthusiasm you four demonstrated at the community event on the gift economy at the UO this afternoon--your excitement was infectious and you made the event a pleasure to participate in. Thank you so much!

    78 months ago

    Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Kristin Fay de Buhr

    Thank you so much for the cast iron wood stove!! It will help keep us warm this winter. 🔥❤️🙌

    84 months ago

    Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Christine S Dribin

    Thank you so much for the fresh delicious eggs from your chickens!! De-lish.

    83 months ago

    Kristin Fay de Buhr expressed gratitude for Belle Burch

    Thank you Belle for the beautiful Quinoa. Our office staff at CSS will really enjoy it for office lunches together. We are grateful.

    83 months ago

    Kjell Phillips expressed gratitude for Belle Burch

    Thanks again for being so generous with all your herbs and tinctures you shared with me Belle. Im so grateful, and will make sure to keep you posted on how well its working for me!