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Hutchinson Family

La familia elegida

Eugene, OR, US

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    106 months ago

    Kavana Tree Bressen expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios

    Thanks so much for your help today holding shining geranium at bay! Our conversation made what could have felt like a tedious chore into an enjoyable hangout.

    106 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Kavana Tree Bressen

    Thanks for lending me the famed Kill-a-watt electrical device. Looking forward to being more learned about the load draw of my appliance. Of course, taking the time to connect, also a pleasure. See ya soon!

    104 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Victoria M

    Super kind of Vicki to offer her spare lawnmower; couldn't have come at a better time!

    102 months ago

    Emily Boyer expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios

    Thank you for thinking of me, offering help in the ways you can, and for doing sweet things just because you're a kind person. <3

    111 months ago

    carly young joined Kindista

    113 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Adrian Wolfe

    Adrian, Thank you for being a comrade on so many levels. It's great to serve as a proxy and advocate for each other. Often those of us whose words are poisonous, can often be our greatest teachers, and I appreciate your input in helping the world understand the minds of the deranged, Ethan most recently. Will we continue our quest for the right words at the right times to convey the most love.

    112 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Mary Byrnes

    Thanks Mary for giving my traveling friend a pair a nice sleeping bags - he'll be in Eugene til March and what a wonderful introduction to Kindista to receive at beloved item within hours of viewing the site!

    112 months ago

    Amber Jones expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios

    Thank you for inviting me to be part of the kindista free market leadership team. my deep urge to actualize positive change was able to be quelled through this opportunity to serve my community in ways that were very meaningful to me. Also, thank you for keeping a pulse on what you are most passionate about so that you can continue to offer opportunities of this magnitude.

    111 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Alexander DiGrazia

    Thanks for the massage table. Like whoa, what a gift. Can't wait to take it for a spin :)

    111 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Bill Huggins

    Thank you for being such an incredible support in my life. Miss you a lot, and I'm excited for more adventuring together!

    111 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Ruth M

    You bought my lunch at Govinda's yesterday; I declined the first time, but as I was waiting in line, you asked again. Thank you. I needed that. Your offer had a huge impact on my day. There could not have been a better time for me to be fed and to receive unobliged help from a stranger. Faith stored and restored.

    109 months ago

    Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for lisas stein

    Thanks Lisa, Maj really liked the broken cup. More mosaics in the making :)