Eugene, OR, US
Alicia Kristen expressed gratitude for Melanie Rios
For kindness, mentoring, and modeling of alternative lifestyles
Marta Gradilone Rodriguez expressed gratitude for Katie Sontag and Larry Kaplowitz
Thank you to both Larry and Katie for offering your futon on here! In the same week we received a frame from Katie and a mattress from Larry, for my stepdaughter's new place. She's been wanting a firm bed for months, and we're happy to have community help to make it happen so easily for her. Thanks, guys! <3
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Marta Gradilone Rodriguez
Thanks for cooking me a yummy lunch today!
Sara Clark expressed gratitude for Suzanne Reed
Thank you so much for your continuous warm and generosity! I'm delighted you joined Kindista! Also, thank you for sharing produce with me, I'm happy to put it to good use. Yummm....
Chanah Hall expressed gratitude for David L Klausman
Thank you so much for coming to check out my baseboard heater!
Doug McGregor expressed gratitude for miaya sustaita
Thanks for sharing some extra stuff, Miaya! <3
David Quale expressed gratitude for Didi AnandaRuchira
Didi, thank you for your many years of great service work in Kenya. Abha Light Foundation, your free children's medical clinics, your nutritional programs and your programs for persons with Malaria and HIV. It is wonderful service and a great legacy of Seva.
Thank you
James Kalafus expressed gratitude for Careta Mae
Fabulous! Running smooth, very quiet, low power consumption, ready to go. tytyty! I have been without a proper home computer for quite some time, and this will make a big difference for me to have this work-toy-machine!
James Kalafus expressed gratitude for Careta Mae
Thank you for this healing aloe plant!
mark t watchman expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thanks so much Ben! One day (before long I hope), I'll get going on turning our little garage into a woodshop and the calipers will be quite handy! Be well!
Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thanks for the bike pump, Ben!! I really appreciate it.
Kaleela Liv expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thank you so much I love it
Amber Jones expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for gifting the charger to us. It reinforced the ease of abundance natural to Terra in a way i really appreciate. She practiced gratitude for that today. And thanks for your PSA at the end of dance today, though that's separate and entirely unrelated. I only heard second hand.
carly young expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thanks Skye for your dedication and passion!
Robert Krotts expressed gratitude for Bo Ling
OK. I'm not doing this right and for that I apologize. A friend saw your request for someone with WiFi experience (that would be me) and suggested I contact you. (that would be this message) Difficult, as I had to sign up to contact you and now that I've signed up it appears I have to build a 'rep' before I can just send a message.
My Name is W R Krotts, I live on the west side of Eugene beyond Beltline. I have skills. Thursday is available this week if that works for you or possibly Friday afternoon late; hopefully you'll want to do this between the hours of 11 AM and 8 PM.
Tracy brandt expressed gratitude for Karly Loveling
Thank you for turning me on to this community resource, and for your friendship.
Albert Kaufman expressed gratitude for Melanie Rios
Thank you, Melanie - for caring and leading!
Kaleela Liv expressed gratitude for Amanda Krichbaum
Thank you so much for the pot and jars.
I will make good use of them.
Sara Eden Moss expressed gratitude for Osprey Huffsmith
Thank you Osprey for helping organize the Healing of Love tour visit to Eugene! I'm really glad that Martin and Dara from Tamera Healing Biotope will be visiting our town, and your support in finding a venue and orchestrating projector screens and being their liason is MUCH appreciated!
Isa Aviad expressed gratitude for Careta Mae
Thank you! Great communication. Easy pick up. Many thanks for this lovely gift.