Eugene, OR, US
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for luke grossmiller
Thank you so much for staffing the gratitude/checkout table all day at the Kindista Holiday Free Market. This was a really important part of the event and you really stepped up to make it happen. Thank you!
Tamara Yates expressed gratitude for luke grossmiller
Thank you so much Luke, for all the collaging goodies you gave me! Someone did a lot of work organizing all those images and the watercolors are gorgeous. I've already got one of them on my wall.
Meghan Quinn expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you Tara for the nice, solid wood shelves! They are PERFECT, exactly what I was needing. Thanks for sharing your extra stuff!
Tanya McNeill expressed gratitude for Larry Kaplowitz
Thank you SO much for the BOB stroller which we received today at the Eugene event! We are very grateful.
Victoria M expressed gratitude for Larry Kaplowitz
Larry thanks for your work bringing forth the wonderful kindista event last week. You are appreciated and loved!
Marta Gradilone Rodriguez expressed gratitude for Katie Sontag and Larry Kaplowitz
Thank you to both Larry and Katie for offering your futon on here! In the same week we received a frame from Katie and a mattress from Larry, for my stepdaughter's new place. She's been wanting a firm bed for months, and we're happy to have community help to make it happen so easily for her. Thanks, guys! <3
Greg Gumbs expressed gratitude for Cathy Seitz
Cathy was very generous with her time and guidance.
I was uniquely suprised to find this gift at such a time when it was helpful to receive
Nice offer Cathy!
Careta Mae expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane
Glorious! thank you for the focus, and simplicity while recording.
mark t watchman expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thanks so much Ben! One day (before long I hope), I'll get going on turning our little garage into a woodshop and the calipers will be quite handy! Be well!
Belle Burch expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thanks for the bike pump, Ben!! I really appreciate it.
Kaleela Liv expressed gratitude for Ben Collver
Thank you so much I love it
Allen Mullen joined Kindista
Judy S-B expressed gratitude for Allen Mullen
Thank you so much for donating a chunk of your afternoon on Monday to help me get the carpet treatment done. I definitely would not have been able to get this taken care of without help! Not only was the help itself important, but your calm, grounded, non-judgmental attitude helped me stay calm as well. I enjoyed working with you to make my new apartment a safer place. Thanks again so much.
Allen Mullen expressed gratitude for Ditte L
what a lovely chair! I was hoping for a comfy chair to play guitar in and the wicker seat feels wonderful. Thank you!
Tydyn Rain St. Clair joined Kindista
Belle Burch expressed gratitude for James Kalafus
Thank you so much for making this Kindista delivery, James!
James Kalafus expressed gratitude for Careta Mae
Fabulous! Running smooth, very quiet, low power consumption, ready to go. tytyty! I have been without a proper home computer for quite some time, and this will make a big difference for me to have this work-toy-machine!
James Kalafus expressed gratitude for Careta Mae
Thank you for this healing aloe plant!
jeremy spafford expressed gratitude for James Kalafus
Thanks for the awesome blanket. I'll take it as a sign that it's imbubed with warmth, picking it up on such a hot day!
James Kalafus expressed gratitude for Belle Burch
Thanks Belle! Loving this beautiful cozy hat ~*~